Meet Shannon

A Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, passionate about holistic health & optimizing Gut, Brain & Hormone function

I empower busy women & moms to prioritize their health and find BALANCE allowing them to feel their best, be present and enhance their roles as mothers, wives, professionals and individuals!   

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Meet Shannon!

A Women's Health Expert!

Shannon's passion to advocate for others has always been deeply rooted in who she is. As a child she grew up in a dysfunctional home built on abuse, alcoholism and recreational drug use. Years of survival and advocating until she was old enough to embark on her own journey of healing and ultimately pursue a career in nursing. With over 21 years of nursing experience, Shannon has worked in a variety of settings shaping the practitioner she is today. 

A native to Connecticut, Shannon graduated with her bachelors in nursing and pursued a career in the operating room at Yale in the Smilow Cancer Hospital. She served the oncology community for 8 years as she advocated for her patients during the the most isolating and frightening time. She held countless hands and wiped thousands of tears as she comforted her patients and their families amongst the unknown. Recognizing that her story was just beginning she continued on with her education while raising a family and working full time to obtain her masters in nursing as a family nurse practitioner. 

Shannon and her husband Andrew relocated to Delaware in 2015 to raise their family in the ultimate pursuit of a greater plan. Together they have 3 children and their favorite night of the week is Family Fun Night where wood fire pizza is made from scratch and creativity is a must! 

Over the years, she has overcome many obstacles, challenges and devastation being dismissed, brushed off and unheard in the traditional medical model. Her role as a Family Nurse Practitioner in traditional medicine wasn't in alignment with where God was leading her heart. The #1 reason why she stepped away from her position was to pursue a career that allowed her to truly advocate, educate and empower other women just like her.  

Authentically and unapologetically herself, Shannon is passionate about educating and empowering others! Her mission is to optimize physical, mental and spiritual health by offering high-level 1:1 health mentorship to women and families through a holistic approach that integrates faith, love and hope.

It all started in 2017 when ...

I was pregnant with our 3rd child. At that time we had 2 healthy children and no prior complications. On August 10, 2017 on what was our 10 year wedding anniversary our daughter Savannah died in the second trimester.

I was devastated, heartbroken  and angry. I didn't understand why I was going through this but had complete faith that God had a bigger plan. 

4 weeks later I sat in my OB's office as I heard him outside the door flipping through my paper chart seconds before he walked in to ask me why I was there. Dumbfounded, I said " I want to know why my daughter died." His response was “it’s totally normal to loose a child in the first few weeks of pregnancy”. There is nothing normal about the loss of a child, let alone a person regardless or age or gestation, but I wasn't in the "early weeks" of pregnancy. 

I held back the anger, tears and pain as he quickly changed subjects, offered me antidepressants and walked out. Less than 5 minutes. I was dismissed, brushed off and unheard. 

Over the next year we had 2 additional pregnancies each resulting in a loss. A month after our third miscarriage I got pregnant with our rainbow baby. It was by far the most terrifying 9 months of my life. I had severe PTSD and Anxiety. I went into preterm labor more than once and at 35 weeks anticipated an early delivery.

During his abrupt delivery I sustained a significant amount of pelvic floor trauma and he came out not breathing and spent a week in the NICU. We named him Jax, which means ~ God has been gracious and shown favor.

The weeks and months that followed his arrival home were dark. I lost myself physically, mentally and emotionally. I no longer recognized the broken person staring back at me in the mirror. I was simply an empty shell. I didn’t know who I was anymore or what my purpose was. I numbed my emotions every night with Kirkland vanilla ice cream and Hersheys chocolate syrup.  

The pelvic floor trauma I sustained during delivery was so intense that the pain from sitting, standing, walking, even intimacy was triggering a PTSD response. The solution ... good luck finding a pelvic floor specialist let alone getting insurance to cover it or being seen in the next 6-12 months…. I suffered every single day accepting this was now my life. A constant reminder of the trauma I sustained.

But Then Everything Changed...

I knew at this point, my lowest of lows, my passion had shifted and Gods plan was beginning to unfold. I wanted to do more to advocate for women's needs and health because I knew how it felt to be judged, ignored & brushed off in a broken system. 

Loosing myself after Jax's birth and the trauma I had sustained took it's toll on my body physically, mentally and emotionally. My hormones were out of whack, I was at my heaviest weight and exhausted all the time, my blood sugar would drop out of nowhere and I was absolutely miserable.

I knew I couldn't sustain this way and my husband and kids didn't deserve a mom who was no longer present or worse off dead. I had to do something different and it started with embarking on my own health journey, prioritizing myself and finding balance again. 

Every day I work towards a healthier & happier version of myself. Addressing my physical, mental and spiritual health I am learning to give myself a little more GRACE each day. I can't take care of anyone unless I take care of myself first and neither can you.

I have been in YOUR shoes and my experiences are what inspire me to empower women to be their own health advocate and prioritize their care too!

 Now I am able to prioritize & balance my physical, mental and emotional well~being, setting a healthy example for my kids and thriving every day because of it....


As much as my body suffered through the years from stress, anxiety, trauma, disruptive sleep, poor eating patterns, all or nothing exercise, hormone dysfunction, impaired fertility and pregnancy loss, I have learned a valuable lesson. Symptoms are the body's check engine light to warn you before something catastrophic happens, so pay attention!

EVERYTHING happens for a reason and God leads us where we are meant to be.

Through my own experiences and education, I am well equipped to help women in a more meaningful way partnering with them to optimize their well being for years to come!

You are not alone and you deserve to work with someone who values your story and the benefits of getting to the root cause.




I can spend hours at my sewing machine quilting! 


Stepped outside my comfort zone to try something new and fell in love!


I am famous for my homemade gourmet wood fire pizza creations!


While out for a run in CT when Logan was a baby I encountered a bobcat! 


I look forward to starting a ministry bridging theology & biology!

Ready To Transform Your Life! Have Tons of Energy, Eliminate Gut Dysfunction & Balance Hormones Naturally?


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